What are Chakras?
Our Outer World Reflects Our Inner World. The Universal life force energy that circulates through our body, thus giving life. Chakras are the spinning energy vortexes within the physical being.
There are 7 major chakras that run through the center of the body from the tail bone to the crown of the head. Acting as a map for our inner world and over all well-being. When the energy is allowed to flow free and harmonic, a stronger state of health is e. experienced. When blocks occur, our body/mind/spirit become imbalanced which leads to the physical body getting our attention through illness, chronic pain, depression, and dis-ease. The chakras are the windows through which life is viewed. It is our goal to keep the windows clean and clear in order to experience the life of peace, joy and good health that God intended. The key to balance is TRUST. Trust that balance can always be found. Surrendering to an imbalance and learning to move through it with Grace will allow your body and life to come into Harmony. Your life will begin to work with greater ease. False beliefs, challenges and stress are part of human existence. It is imperative to remember that through SURRENDER comes RELEASE through release comes BALANCE and through balance comes HARMONY. Become a self-observer. Get to know your body. Without judgments and labels. Know that thoughts, words and emotions are energy and are powerful. All will directly impact your world both inner and outer. Meditation is great tool to help get into a state of focus and mindfulness. In the quiet space within, chakras respond in a positive manner to promote balance. Essential oils work on all levels to help balance and harmonize the chakras. Reiki centers the body/mind/spirit into a state of clarity, peace and calm allowing alignment to the chakra. This alignment promotes self healing.